Mauriora ki a koe, e Te Karaiti Te Kurahautū o tō mātau Kuratīwaka
Mauriora ki a koe, e Te Karaiti
Te Kurahautū o tō mātau Kuratīwaka
All glory and honour be to you, O’ Christ
The Sacred Wayfinder of our Ancestral Waka of Faith
Kurahautū is the Wayfinder Unit for the Archbishops and Primates of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia.
Our mission is to lead wānanga and talanoa throughout the whole Church in relation to matters that the Archbishops are providing leadership for, within Church and Public discourse. We research, teach, and disseminate the theology produced by that wānanga and talanoa internally and externally back into the public sphere as a point of deliberate missional influence and Gospel servanthood.
We do this in different ways:
Ārahina | Lead
The theology of Wayfinder leadership weaves together the ancient wisdom of navigation born in the Pacific Ocean and the wayfinder stories spread throughout our biblical tradition, creating a uniquely Three Tikanga theology.
Waihangā | Transform
Society is grappling with significant changes and questions about what it means to live together in a modern global world; the Church is struggling with questions about how to ensure the safety of our most vulnerable. As Followers of Christ, we are called to speak and act prophetically into all of these spaces. How will we respond?
Akona | Teach
Our unique kete of local stories, historical archives and mātauranga Mihinare worldview give the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia the unique opportunity to be a significant presence in the realm of education.
Tohaina | Share
Through wānanga and talanoa, in teaching, sharing, and disseminating high-level theological principles, we can help the whole church become wayfinders in their own spaces.
The Archbishops
The Archbishops and Primates are the Senior Bishops of Tikanga Māori, Tikanga Pākehā, and Tikanga Pasefika, equally sharing the Primacy in Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tireni, ki Ngā Moutere o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa (The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia).
Rauika | The Kurahautū Magazine
A Series on Women in Leadership, Part 3: The Function of Freedom
The following is the third in a series of articles from The Reverend Blythe Cody, sharing her thoughts on Women in Leadership in the Anglican Church.
Leader Hacks – How to reduce e-mail time-suck
Leader Hacks is an ongoing series from The Reverend Blythe Cody.
A Series on Women in Leadership, Part 2: Exclusion and Embrace
The following is the second in a series of articles from The Reverend Blythe Cody, sharing her thoughts on Women in Leadership in the Anglican Church.
About Us
Ko Wai Mātou | About Us
Te Kapa | Our Team
Come and find out more about the team behind Kurahautū.
Hikoi of Hope
Akona | Teach
Mātauranga Mihinare: An Introduction
This video gives an insight into being Mihinare (Anglican) in this ancient context of Aotearoa and the Pacific.
He Inoi | A Prayer
E te Atua o te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa,
me ēnei motu, o te iwi Māori, te iwi Pākehā,
me rātou katoa e noho nei i tēnei wāhi.
Ka whakamoemiti,
ka whakawhetai ki a koe mō tēnei whenua o mātou;
mō ngā mea pai katoa kua whiwhi tahi nei mātou.
Whakanuia tō mātou aroha tētahi ki tētahi,
whakakahangia tō mātou whai i te tika
kia kotahi ai mātou i runga i te whakaaro kotahi.
Kua hanga matou e koe hei toto kotahi;
i raro i tēnei whakaaro kotahi.
God of the southern sea
and of these islands,
of Māori, Pākehā
and of all who dwell in our land;
we give you thanks and praise for our country,
and for what we have achieved together.
Increase our trust in one another;
strengthen our quest for justice,
and bring us to unity and a common purpose.
You have made us of one blood;
make us also of one mind.