Communication Strategy

Ki uta tārei ai, ki tai rewa ai.

Prepared onshore to sail at sea.

– Māori navigation proverb

Through research, consultation, wānanga, and talanoa, a strategy will be developed to provide high-level media liaison advice and support to ensure that our communications and media content and services are optimal for providers and subscribers.

We will also work to ensure that all communications throughout the Anglican Church are mātauranga-led, Mihinare-grounded and navigation-focused.

Through the Anglican Communications Research Project, we hope to establish the current spread and impact of the Anglican Church’s communications, both within the church and the wider society. This allows us to set the starting point for innovation and creative development for the Church’s network of communicators and its official communications vehicles. Our vision is to look for a new way that Anglicans can collectively improve our ways of communicating who we are and what we do in Christ as Anglicans – both with one another and the world.
