
1-2When the time drew close for Bitter Tears (Mary) to have her child, the government of the People of Iron (Romans) ordered that the people be numbered and put on government rolls. This happened during the time that Powerful Protector (Quirinius) was the governor of Bright Sun (Syria). 3All the Tribal Members were required to travel to their own ancestral village to register.
4-5He Gives Sons (Joseph) and Bitter Tears (Mary) set out on a long journey from Seed Planter Village (Nazareth) in Circle of Nations (Galilee), to House of Bread (Bethlehem) in the Land of Promise (Judea), the village of their ancestor, the great chief Much Loved One (David).
The journey took several long days and cold nights as they traveled over high hills and through the dry desert. When they arrived, tired and weary, they entered the crowded village.
6The time for Bitter Tears (Mary) to have her child was upon her! 7But no place could be found in the lodging house, so He Gives Sons (Joseph)found a sheep cave where it was warm and dry. There she gave birth to her son. They wrapped him in a soft, warm blanket and laid him on a baby board. Then they placed him on a bed of straw in a feeding trough.
8That night, in the fields nearby, shepherds were keeping watch over their sheep. 9Suddenly a great light from above was shining all around them. A spirit-messenger from Creator appeared to them. They shook with fear and trembled 10as the messenger said to them, “Do not fear! I bring you the good story that will be told to all nations. 11Today in the village of Much Loved One (David) an Honored Chief has been born who will set his people free. He is the Chosen One!”
12The spirit-messenger continued, “This is how you will know him—you will find the child wrapped in a blanket and lying in a feeding trough.”
13Suddenly, next to the messenger, a great number of spirit-warriors from the spirit-world above appeared giving thanks to Creator, saying, 14“All honor to the One Above Us All, and let peace and good will follow all who walk upon the earth.”
15When the messengers returned to the spirit-world above, the shepherds said to each other, “Let us go and see this great thing Creator has told to us.” 16So they hurried to the village of Chief Much Loved One (David) and found Bitter Tears (Mary), He Gives Sons (Joseph), and the child, who, just as they were told, was lying in a feeding trough!
17The shepherds began to tell everyone what they had seen and heard about this child, 18and all who heard their story were amazed.
19Bitter Tears (Mary) kept these things hidden in her heart and wondered what all this would mean. 20The shepherds returned to their fields, giving thanks to the Great Spirit for the wonders they had seen and heard.

-First Nations Version (FNVNT)


Te Whānautanga o Īhu

1I aua rā ka whakatakotoria he tikanga e Hīhā Ākuhata kia tuhituhia te ao katoa. 2Ko te tuhituhinga tuatahi tēnei i meatia i te wā ko Kuirinia te kāwana o Hīria. 3Ā, ka haere ngā tāngata katoa kia tuhituhia, ia tangata, ia tangata, ki tōna ake pā.
4I haere atu anō a Hōhepa i Karirī, i te pā, i Nahareta, ki Hūria, ki te pā o Rāwiri, ko Pēterehema te ingoa; nō te mea nō te whare ia, nō te kāwei o Rāwiri. 5Kia tuhituhia ai rāua ko tāna wahine taumau, ko Meri, e hapū ana ia. 6Ā, i a rāua i reira, ka rite ngā rā e whānau ai ia. 7Nā, ka whānau tāna mātāmua, ā, takaia ana e ia ki ngā kākahu, ka whakatakotoria ki te takotoranga kai mā ngā kararehe; nō te mea kāhore he wāhi mō rātou i te whare.
Ngā Hēpara me ngā Anahera
8I taua wāhi hoki ētahi hēpara e noho koraha ana, e tiaki ana i tā rātou kāhui i te pō. 9Nā, tū ana tētahi anahera a te Ariki i ō rātou taha, ā, whiti ana te korōria o te Ariki ki a rātou, ā, tawhio noa; ā, nui whakaharahara tō rātou wehi. 10Nā, ka mea te anahera ki a rātou, “Kaua e mataku, tā te mea he kaikauwhau tēnei ahau ki a koutou mō te hari nui, meāke puta mai ki te iwi katoa. 11Nō nāianei hoki i whānau ai he Kaiwhakaora mō koutou i te pā o Rāwiri, arā a te Karaiti, te Ariki. 12Ko te tohu tēnei ki a koutou; e kite koutou i te tamaiti ka oti te tākai ki te kākahu, e takoto ana i te takotoranga kai mā ngā kararehe.”
13Nā, ohorere tonu ko tētahi ope nui o te rangi e tū tahi ana me taua anahera, e whakamoemiti ana ki te Atua, e mea ana:
14“Kia whai korōria te Atua i runga rawa,
kia mau te rongo ki runga ki te whenua,
me te whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata!”
15Ā, ka mawehe atu ngā anahera i a rātou ki te rangi, ka mea ngā hēpara tētahi ki tētahi, “Tātou ka haere ki Pēterehema, kia kite i tēnei mea kua puta nei, kua whakapuakina mai nei e te Ariki ki a tātou.”
16Nā, kaikā tonu tā rātou haere, ā, ka kite i a Meri, i a Hōhepa i te tamaiti hoki e takoto ana i te takotoranga kai mā ngā kararehe. 17Ā, nō ka kite, ka whakapuakina te mea i kōrerotia ki a rātou mō tēnei tamaiti. 18Ā, mīharo ana ngā kaiwhakarongo katoa ki ēnei mea, i kōrerotia nei ki a rātou e ngā hēpara. 19Ko Meri ia i āta rongoā i ēnei mea katoa, me te whakaaroaro i roto i tōna ngākau. 20Nā, ka hoki ngā hēpara, me te whakakorōria, me te whakamoemiti ki te Atua mō ngā mea katoa i rongo nei, i kite nei rātou, i rite nei ki ngā mea i kōrerotia ki a rātou.

-Paipera Tapu

*Image: Kreg Yingst an AMERICAN NATIVity
