Awake, Arise, Act: Racial Reconciliation Now

‘Justice is not something abstract, justice is the body of love and the body matters. Our body matters for love and it matters for justice. That is why race matters; gender matters; sexuality matters; our abilities matter; the language you speak from your mouth matters. Do you carry an accent? It matters. The kind of embodiment that we have and embrace matters, not only for ourselves but it matters to God. That is why I have called us to awake, arise, and to act for racial reconciliation and justice.’

Theologian, author and Dean’s Professor of Systematic Theology at Candler School of Theology, Dr Kwok Pui Lan, stirred listeners with these words at the Episcopal Church’s It’s All About Love gathering in Baltimore, Maryland in July of this year. The four-day event was organized around three themes: Evangelism, Racial Reconciliation, and Creation Care. You can watch all of Dr Kwok’s presentation here.

