New Manukura for Hoani Tapu

A message of congratulations from the staff at Kurahautū:

It is with mixed emotions that we announce that our Director, The Venerable Dr Hirini Kaa, has been appointed as the next Manukura of Te Whare Wananga o Hoani Tapu te Kaikauwhau o te Rongopai | The College of St John the Evangelist.

Part of this mix is sadness upon hearing the resignation of Dr Emily Colgan. Emily is our friend and we respect the work that she has done and her commitment to a church whose hallmarks are justice and love. In this light, we can think of no better successor than Dr Kaa.

Hirini has been integral to the vision, direction and mission of Kurahautu and we will miss him. We recognize, though, that he will bring those same gifts to bear at Hoani Tapu and will continue to shape the future of the church in this new role.

Every blessing for the new season ahead. Ma te Atua koe e manaaki

You can read the announcement letter from Te Kaunihera by clicking the link below.

Hoani Tapu Manukura Announcement
