Akona | Teach

Na Dui Toba kei na kena Mata ni Cagi.

Each bay, its own wind.

– Fijian navigation proverb


The Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia has an opportunity to be a significant presence in the space of education.

We have a strong global (trans-national), regional, national and local story and presence, as well as significant historical capacity from our provincial and episcopal-unit archives. We have the ability to produce educational resources that are embedded in a strong mātauranga Mihinare worldview. These stories and taonga can be woven together within a Provincial narrative, allowing our theology and our history to be communicated in an appropriate and effective manner.

Photo Credit: Julanne Clarke-Morris, Anglican Taonga

He Taonga Tuku Iho

Providing a coordinated theological research and development response to the Government decision to make the teaching of Aotearoa New Zealand history compulsory in schools.

Anglican Schools

The Anglican Schools’ Office exists to support, resource and encourage schools in the Anglican Schools’ network in their desire to live out their Christian foundations with integrity. The Office supports 10 schools in Tikanga Polynesia, 2 from Tikanga Māori, and 34 who come under Tikanga Pākehā dioceses, providing a point of connection between them all.

Anglican Theological Education

Six educational institutions provide theological education and training for students throughout Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.
