He Taonga Tuku Iho

Pikipiki hama kae vaevae manava.

Vessels lashed together can share resources and are stronger for the journey

– Tongan navigation proverb

He Taonga Tuku Iho provides resources for the teaching of Aotearoa New Zealand history in schools.

Compulsory history teaching has been introduced for Aotearoa New Zealand for years 1-10, to around 600,000 students across kura Kaupapa and mainstream schools.

Using our historical capacity from provincial and episcopal archives, our powerful local stories, and our strong global, regional, and national presence, we have the opportunity to be a significant contributor to this space. He Taonga Tuku Iho aims to support the history curriculum by contributing to its mātauranga Māori foundation, to the local community narratives, and to the national story. This project focuses on the formation of strong local relationships between rohe | parishes and schools to empower and equip teachers to teach the history of their rohe alongside iwi, hapū, and local historians.
