Kurahautū Podcast Breakdown: This Land

What’s it called?

This Land

Where’s the name from?

The United States government has attempted to contain the sovereignty of Native American people through the creation of reservations. But then that same government ignores the  boundaries of that land.

What about it makes me wanna listen?

I’ve heard that history doesn’t repeat but it rhymes. I wanna learn the rhymes and make sure what we do collides with them.

Is it banter and filler or does it get right into the kaupapa?

This podcast is telling a story. This isn’t an interview or a back and forth discussion. No banter, no filler. And you’ll find yourself binging these 40 minute episodes.

Who’d be embarrassed to tweet a quote from this show?

Joshua. See below.

Which Bible character would have made this?

The Canaanites. They have some stories to tell about being the first occupants of the ‘Promised Land’.

Does it make you wanna ka whawhai tonu?

Greed, or even charity without love, can drive us to do some terrible things. I want love to motivate me.

Bangin’ quote from the podcast

‘At the time the schools weren’t talked about as a land grab or a tool of genocide. They were charity. To solicit donations, one Catholic mission wrote that Indian children were in grave danger and good Christians who came to the rescue would not only save those children but reap their own rewards with God.’

Where can I listen?

You can listen to the podcast here.

