Kurahautū Podcast Breakdown: Code Switch

What’s it called?
Code Switch

Where’s the name from?
It’s a reference to how society requires minorities to switch between modes of communicating. Ergo Code switching.

What makes me listen?
I need to know how I benefit from a pākehā worldview. It makes me think about my default assumptions about the world. And it’s really well produced so I’m not editing it for mistakes as I listen.

Is it all banter and filler or does it get right into the kaupapa?
This is not a chatty show. It’s a thirty-minute dive into Kaupapa and kōrero. Very Bingeable.

Who’d be embarrassed to tweet a quote from this show?
Mike Hosking. Because he’s busy fighting reverse racism.

Which Bible character would have made this?
Esther. She was the Queen of code switching. Literally.

Does it make you wanna ka whawhai tonu?
Yeah. It makes me wanna read more, listen more, and find out more about life outside of my pākehā code. Not in a guilty way but in an invitation to something better way.

Bangin’ quote from the podcast
‘It’s not about our individual morality; it’s about what you allow other people to experience in the space that both of you exist in.’
    Episode: 14 June 2023: Going to a white church in a Black body

Check it out

Click here to listen to the podcast

