Kurahautū Podcast Breakdown: The Sacred Teachings Podcast

What’s it called?

The Sacred Teachings Podcast

Where’s the name from?

The stories about the sacredness of creation that feature in each episode.

Who’s the host?

The Rev. Canon Virginia “Ginny” Doctor. Ginny is a member of the Mohawk Nation Turtle Clan and a dual citizen of Canada and the United States. She was the coordinator of Indigenous Ministries for the Anglican Church of Canada and a key founder of the self-determining Indigenous church. Ginny died on May 26 2021. You can read more about her here.

What about it makes me wanna listen?

The show has a beautiful simplicity that manages to address some serious topics with a calm and thoughtful approach.

Is it banter and filler or does it get right into the kaupapa?

Most episodes are only about fifteen minutes long, focusing on one particular aspect of the season’s topic, creating digestible yet challenging content.

Who’d be embarrassed to tweet a quote from this show?

David Seymour because he prefers solutions that involve fireworks.

Which Bible character would have made this?

The Widow of Zarephath.  Because she was under no illusions about the harshness of her world but had seen the reality of God’s provision.

Does it make you wanna ka whawhai tonu?

Ginny Doctor’s wisdom and deep spiritual insight create a space for healing and hope that makes me want to cultivate these spaces in my own ministry.

Banging quote from the podcast

‘I started to think about all of our people who have passed on; all of our people who have brought us to this day, and I began to think ‘this is why we have to go on – for them – to live their vision.’

Check it out

You can listen to the podcast here

